New alphabet, an introduction for a programmed typography, a possibility for the new development / Wim Crouwel
Publisher: Hilversum, Steendrukkerij de Jong en Co, 1967
Description: 20 pages. : ill. ; 25 x 25 cm.
Wim Crouwel / Bibeb
Publisher: Nijmegen, G.J. Thieme, 1978
Description: 48 pages. : ill. ; 24 x 26.5 cm.
Kunst + Design Wim Crouwel Preisträger der Stankowski-Stiftung 1991 / Karl Duschek, Hanne Dannenberger
Publisher: Stuttgart, Cantz, 1991
ISBN Code: 3893222316
Description: 95 pages. : ill. ; 21 x 26.5 cm.
Tegen de lust - Toespraak bij de uitreiking van de Piet Zwart Prijs 1991 aan Wim Crouwel door Hein van Haaren / Hein van Haaren, Wim Crouwel
Publisher: Antwerp, Beroepsvereniging Nederlandse Ontwerpers (BNO), 1991
ISBN Code: 9789070378059
Description: 24 pages. : ill. ; 15 x 21 cm.
Vorm geven aan veelzijdigheid: opstellen aangeboden aan Wim Crouwel ter gelegenheid van zijn afscheid als directeur van Museum Boymans - van Beuningen / Jeroen Giltaij
Publisher: Rotterdam, Museum Boymans-van Beuningen, 1993
ISBN Code: 906918124X
Description: 208 pages. : ill. ; 22 x 27 cm.
Wim Crouwel mode en module / Frederike Huygen, Hugues C. Boekraad
Publisher: Rotterdam, 010 Uitgeverij, 1997
ISBN Code: 9789064503108
Description: 428 pages. : ill. ; 17.7 x 23 cm.
New Alphabet Wim Crouwel e la tipografia sperimentale / Paolo Palma
Publisher: Fermignano, Paolo Palma, 2003
Description: Hardback, 143 pages. : ill. ; 35 cm.
Wim Crouwel Alphabets / David Quay, Kees Broos
Publisher: Amsterdam, BIS, 2003
ISBN Code: 9063690371
Description: 133 pages. : ill. ; 17 x 26 cm.
Wim Crouwel Seen / Unseen. An exhibition of original posters designed by Wim Crouwel for the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam / Mark Holt
Publisher: London, SEA Gallery, 2003
Description: 31 pages. : ill. ; 21 x 26.5 cm.
Wim Crouwel Oeuvreprijs 2004. Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten, Vormgeving en Bouwkunst / Nienke van Beers, Lex ter Braak, Max Bruinsma
Publisher: Amsterdam, Stichting Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten Vormgeving en Bouwkunst BKVB, 2004
Description: Hardback, 32 pages. : ill. ; 16.3 x 20.5 cm.
Wim Crouwel Architectures typographiques / Wim Crouwel, Catherine de Smet, Emmanuel Bérard
Publisher: Editions FSEPT & Galerie Anatome, 2007
ISBN Code: 9782916796024
Description: 104 pages. : ill. ; 16.5 x 22 cm.
Idea magazine No. 323 July 2007
Publisher: Toyko, Seibundo Shinkosha
Description: Idea magazine, special issue 'Wim Crouwel’s adventures into the experimental worlds'
80 20 100: Wim Crouwel Eighty, Nijhof & Lee Twenty, One Hundred Crouwel Designs / Ben Bos
Publisher: Amsterdam, Nijhoff & Lee, 2008
ISBN Code: 9072849086
Description: 44 pages. : ill. ; 20.6 x 27.2 cm
Gridnik: Wim Crouwel and Modern Typography / Sarah Schleuning
Publisher: Florida, Wolfsonian Florida International University, 2008
Description: 8vo, 26 colour illustrations.
Wim Crouwel in his own words / Toon Lauwen (editor)
Publisher: The Hague, Lauwen Books, 2010
ISBN Code: 9789490628024
Description: Hardback, 118 pages. : ill. ; 17 cm.
Wim Crouwel a graphic odyssey catalogue / Tony Brook, Adrian Shaughnessy (catalogue editors)
Publisher: London, Unit Editions, 2011
ISBN Code: 9780956207135
Description: Available in three different cover photographs with a variety of title stickers, 144 pages. : ill. ; 15.2 x 23 cm.
Wim Crouwel: A graphic odyssey / Tony Brook, Adrian Shaughnessy (catalogue editors), Ichiro Saga
Publisher: Bienuenushinsha, 2012
ISBN Code: 9784861008344
Description: Hardback, bilingual text English-Japanese, 176 pages, ills colour & bw, 19 x 23.6 cm.
Wim Crouwel Posters 1958–1971
Publisher: Tokyo, Blind Gallery, 2012
ISBN Code: 9784990525460
Description: 24 pages, ills colour & bw, 21 x 30 cm.
Wim Crouwel Gerrit Noordzij prize
Publisher: Amsterdam, De Buitenkant, 2012
ISBN Code: 9789490913205
Description: 64 pages. : ill. ; 24 cm.
The Debate: The Legendary Contest of Two Giants of Graphic Design / Wim Crouwel, Jan van Toorn, Frederike Huygen, Rick Poynor
Publisher: The Monacelli Press, 2015
ISBN Code: 1580934129
Description: Hardback, 184 pages, 40 ill.; 12.8 x 1.9 x 17.7 cm.
TD 63–73 Total Design and its pioneering role in graphic design / Ben Bos
Publisher: London, Unit Editions, 2015
ISBN Code: 9780993231605
Description: Hardback with slipcase, cover foil blocked, expanded edition. 520 pages. : ill. ; 19 x 24 cm.
Wim Crouwel Modernist / Frederike Huygen
Publisher: Eindhoven, Lecturis Publishers, 2015
ISBN Code: 9789462261471
Description: Hardback, 462 pages. : ill. ; 18 x 25 cm.
Wim Crouwel ggg books-125 / Helmut Schmid
Publisher: Tokyo, DNP Foundation for Cultural Promotion, 2017
ISBN Code: 9784887523968
Description: Hardback, bilingual text English-Japanese, 63 pages. : ill. ; 17 cm.